Our interventions are carried out in 2 areas:
Skills assessment and coaching. As part of the skills assessment, PCI International Consulting is audited according to the QUALIOPI standard and certified compliant by the company APAVE. For coaching, PCI International Consulting only involves certified coaches.
Principle of the tripartite contract:
Coaching and skills assessment are professional intervention practices in which a contract is signed between the principal (the Client) and PCI International Consulting (the Company). This first contract is a legal act which constitutes a financial commitment on the one hand and, on the other hand, a legal commitment to provide services. The provision of the service is the subject of a second commitment, of a moral nature, with the people who benefit from it, either in the form of coaching support, or in the form of a skills assessment. This second commitment is based on respect for the integrity, dignity and trust of the people who benefit from the intervention.
As part of our practice, we undertake to carry out an exploratory interview with the principal and with the person being coached or benefiting from the skills assessment. As part of the coaching, a tripartite assessment at the end of the support will be offered, as well as in the event of a long intervention, one or more mid-term interviews with intermediaries.
PCI International Consulting undertakes not to carry out any intervention whose objective is in the exclusive interest of one of the parties of the client (client or beneficiary) and not in that of the other party. We also refrain from intervening with a hidden objective. If it became obvious during the service that a real objective is concealed, we would apply the ethical rule of early termination of the service as provided for in the contract.
Commitments to the Client:
The contributors of PCI International Consulting, both employees and partners, adopt a conduct consistent with the practice of their profession and undertake to provide the quality of service that can be expected in relation to it.
For the purpose of clarifying practices and expectations, the stakeholders provide the Client with the following information:
- ethics, principle of the tripartite contract and professional conduct
- general typology of interventions
Within the framework of skills assessments, PCI International Consulting signs with the beneficiary or his employer a skills assessment agreement which includes the mutual commitments, the objectives and the expectations with regard to the law and the regulations. PCI International Consulting, as an organization providing skills assessments, also has rules of procedure which must be signed and observed by each beneficiary.